
the_system = garbage.in(garbage_out)

depravitydouble standardlogic faultmass consumptionmatrixparacosmsickness & depravitysufferwaste

Holocaust Survivor Makes Extermination a Lucrative, American, Family Business

Catchmaster – AP&G was founded by a chemist and carried on by his remedial, corporate offspring. Mice are not far removed from humans. Their social behaviors, hierarchies, emotions, genetics, etc. Anyone that kills mice and rats, you have found someone that does not value life, only pretends to(including the publisher of that – The Jackson Laboratory). Things that are socially and legally acceptable are often morally and existentially reprehensible. You people make me ashamed to be human. I cannot apologize to other life enough on your behalf. Herbivorous rodents cause minimal suffering to other life yet are ostracized, exploited, and exterminated. Humans with their wasteful existences also provide them sustenance. They create the ‘problem’, violence is their solution, and the ‘problem’ they created remains. Humans are the invasive, destructive species. If any other species did to us what we do to them, we would exterminate it. Humans love extermination. They’ll be near victims of it and witness it, then turn right around and cause mass suffering for other beings on the planet. Moses, Steve, Jon, and Jeff deserve a glue trap death, but that would make me like them. Anthropocentric thought creates people like Moses, Steve, Jon, and Jeff. They think they are doing society a service by exterminating living beings, just as the Germans did during the Holocaust. Hitler didn’t do it by himself. The population begged for it. $36 Million annually. They wouldn’t get that revenue if the population didn’t beg for their ‘services’. Their logic is that of a drug dealer saying he’s not forcing it on people. People scoff at a drug dealer that uses this defense, yet when corporations use it, it’s accepted. Legality being the metric for morality/ethics, leading to social atrocity every single time.

These humans have no ability to place themselves mentally in another beings skin. They have no concern for the suffering of other life. The corporate construct is destructive to all life. Even environmentalists at universities fly around in planes and drive vans. They are destroying the environment as they claim to be protecting it or seeking to do so. Humans do to much to interfere with the existence of other life on this planet. Species loss is increasing at an exponential rate due to human activity.