
the_system = garbage.in(garbage_out)

charlatan protectorsdepravitydouble standardmatrixparacosmsocietal divisionstate actorssystem fails

Science and Religion, A Brief Observation of Human Garbage

I abhor social domination, subjugation, doctrine, ecosystem destruction, and exploitation. Almost all religions push those things, often indirectly, passively https://www.jstor.org/stable/7045. It is common for people in academia to see religion for the tool it is. Not so common for them to see how Science is one as well. I have no religion. For this writing, when I reference religion it is about Christianity, Islam, & Nationalism as they are the most violent and prevalent that seek to dominate the planet. Me focusing on those three doesn’t mean I favor a different one. Instead of changing their daily behaviors that cause suffering for self and others, most religious people have been waiting for a zombie savior or a reincarnated savior (see: Kalki, Maitreya, Issa, Imam Mahdi, Hamza ibn Ali, etc). To restate a quote by Sam Harris, in the land of pretend, anything can be anything.

Religion does not allow questioning their creator. Indoctrination is accepting a set of beliefs without questioning them. Doctrine is those beliefs. Christians often throw the “Test all spirits” line out in response to me saying you aren’t allowed to question their chosen, geographical, authoritarian, sadomasochistic dynamic deities, but “Test all spirits” does not mean sample those spirits. Science is driven by such questions about existence and creation. Science is more certain, is usually verifiable, etc but it is often incomplete, fragmented information with many inferences drawn from fear and often confirmation bias. A study is often done to find out how much of a threat something is to human life yet humans cause the most suffering on the planet to other life, especially to other humans. Science uses those labeled ‘undesirable’ as subjects. Minorities, inmates, etc. Too many permanent, life destroying decisions in society are forced on conditioned, fearful people citing bad information as reason for compliance with that abusive authority. Lying with statistics is common by the State, they present a bogus conclusion by misrepresenting a string of facts. The measures taken for the most recent fear for example: sanitizing surfaces, masks, injections, and the “if you don’t fear as I do(as the corporate State directed), then you don’t care about human life!” mentality. It is about control and revenue, not safety or quality of life:

A counterfeit claim with grains of truth is still a counterfeit claim. This also leaves those that squabble over the claims with plenty of ammunition for both the claim being true and the claim being false. There are excellent arguments both for and against abortion. There are no excellent arguments against homosexuality, there is only irrational, emotional ‘processing’:


Notice that without Science, this data would not exist for me to access. Without Science I would not be able to relay this information in a manner that permits you to do what you are doing right now. The best things of Science are used as justification for the depraved parts of Science. Religions take human emotion/sentiment and corrupt thought with guilt, threats, etc. They often co-opt ideas and blend them into their garbage to adapt to the times. Most religious texts are primitive at best. Science is certainly more valid than religion, and in the Sciences there are more valid sciences than others such as CyberSecurity being a STEM field, and Forensic Psychology being a Soft Science.

STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Math is a STEM field. You might have heard people say that math is the language of the Universe or some other variant of that statement. The Universe does not communicate with us using mathematics. Mathematics is us describing and trying to explain the environment we inhabit. Same with Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Science can help us understand our environment, religion pretends to know everything already. Religion demands abject slavery through an ultimatum mislabeled as a choice. I previously believed that scientific progress is necessary for life, mostly because of its opposition to the severely irrational thought processes corrupting the mental hard drives of people in this supposedly intelligent and evolved society. The majority of industry uses scientific advancements in developing, manufacturing, and shipping their products. Science assists the economy and, counter-intuitively because of nationalist doctrine/conditioning, if economic success is conflated with existential success, society is in for a dropkick to the dick. Almost all religions are anthropocentric. This means that to them, all existence revolves around humanity. Those that believe this to be the case are a severe threat for the rest of existence. Much of science is anthropocentric in its endeavors. Humans are destroying ecosystems, life, existence. Scientific benefit to humans does not outweigh the cost to other species. The things humans have done to animals, there isn’t a severe enough term for it. Depraved indifference hints at it. For example, they break lots of mouse legs repeatedly to time how long the fractures take to heal. Existentially, religions are invalid. Existentially, science is valid up until the point it causes suffering to prove a point or is used by abusive authority to dominate others. Science is also exploited by the State and other corporations for both social and environmental control. Industry is a beast of a threat for all life, while its participants claim they are providing for life.

I have an affinity for herbivorous rodents as they cause minimal suffering yet are ostracized by human society and preyed upon by much of the animal kingdom. The way humans treat each other, using religious or nationalist text as excuse…I can’t stop it all but I can and do fight for the life in my immediate environment. The smallest life. Insects included. That being said, I have burned ticks. I have swatted mosquitoes and fed them to spiders. I have killed life. As I’ve evolved intellectually I do everything I can to not cause suffering for other life. I’m more concerned about avoiding hitting a red eft than inconveniencing a truck drivin’, snowmobilin’, flag-wavin’, parchment & authority worshipin’ redneck. They are more concerned with getting to the next logging site, lawn to destroy, golf course to build, and their Dunkin’ in between. Loggers claim they are helping the forest grow. Pilots claim their CO2 is helping plants grow. That’s like saying they throw trash on the ground to provide someone a living. It’s a mentally defective rationale to excuse parasitic, destructive behaviors. Plants filter the air, so in a sense loggers cut the Earth’s alveoli. Oysters and sea cucumbers filter the water, so in a sense the fishing industry is killing kidneys. Humans have placed themselves above all other life and created stories to back it up. They use their intelligence to dominate and exploit other life and, even worse because of their constantly claiming sanctity of human life, each other. Science helps humans in their ecokilling endeavors so when I hear a corporate executive or an A&R scientist call themselves an environmentalist, all I hear is a pungent fart saying it supports clean air.

If you don’t worship Christ, you aren’t a Christian. If you do worship Christ, you worship a zombie. Many Christians wise up and see through the zombie worship, human sacrifice, symbolic cannibalism, etc. Instead of remaining shackle-free, they choose a different set. Adopting a foreign religion or social construct won’t help you. They are just as lost and suffering as you are. They are conditioned by their local doctrines and customs. A primitive tribe in the Amazon is more irrational than many people in society, yet cause minimal suffering behind it. Technology amplifies human behavior, an extension of ourselves. Science fuels industry and industry is killing life. Religion fuels irrational thought, causing severe violence, killing life. Many Christians think that politeness and them not being jihadists means their religion is not violent. They don’t engage in warfare, they just support the cause. Same with scientists that create technology that helps the State dominate the planet with its corporate construct, authority worship, stupid symbolism, and citizens that are proud of the heap. In movies, scientists are bought and/or forced into using their minds to benefit the organization, then discarded. That’s pretty much what the State does. Or haven’t you noticed?

Suffering. All living beings experience it in some fashion. Too many humans have a severe problem thinking that other beings do not or that the suffering of those beings is necessary and justifiable. Alleviating suffering for all people is the feigned endeavor of religions and many sciences. Almost all religions excluding Jainism, and most sciences view animal life as less than ours. Worth. Value. Something mathematics corrupted. Humans attribute Inequality Symbols to life. Greater than, less than, equal to. Resulting in socioeconomic systems and the guaranteed socioeconomic strife, causing severe suffering for all of life. They think the more they have, the more content they will be yet the more they have, the more fearful they have to be of others. How else they say, can we keep track of inventory? Why do you have inventory? You are a fearful, hoarding, basic needs competing slave that chooses self over other life. Tomorrow isn’t promised for any of us. Humans do live longer than most other species. If you have enough food for more than a few weeks, you’re wasteful because there are human beings that do not have enough food for today. If everyone has enough food for weeks and we stop throwing away 40% of our edible food, it is no longer wasteful. The Law of Conservation of Mass. There cannot be more than there was. While you Blue Collars are so proud to have wealthy leashes attached to you – clocking in doing the same thing every day doesn’t provide everything you use/consume daily, therefore you do negative labor. If you believe a zombie was born to a virgin, walked on water, and generated sustenance from nothing then you will believe anything else the State feeds you to keep you fighting over food. Courts previously would have trials for animals. Applying the primitive, barbaric morality frameworks that we still have not escaped, to animals. Humans are fucked up and I am often ashamed to be one of you. Nationalism and other religions depend on you believing that humans are inherently evil. They are not. Strange statement from a known misanthrope but just because the species disgusts me doesn’t mean the individuals are inherently evil. Most atrocities throughout history are committed by flag/deity worshipers, not those resisting the flag/deity worshipers. Science is the foundation for the Corporate Construct, religions keep human beings maintaining the Corporate Construct, keeping it steamrolling over the rest of existence, even their own. Sports, snacks, and entertainment(Bread & Circuses) assist in distracting people from this purposeless existence as their empty shell of a life meanders along, pretending to have things figured out. Voters do not have anything figured out, otherwise, they wouldn’t be voting. An empty, suffering existence is substance abuse ready. Religion helps create the mental anguish, Science has refined the chemicals to keep them addicted to their coping mechanism instead of resolving the root issue. Most sciences and almost all religions are detrimental to life and/or cause more suffering than they prevent. The State and other corporations push fear on society so that society will defer power, authority, judgment to them.

The Science community will forever be at odds because many branches of it have different biological interests it is fighting for. As with prayer, whose interest is paramount? Industrial engineers or marine biologists? Lots of facts to support both interests. They are overall mutually exclusive sciences, but not entirely. In other words, a infinitesimal amount of industrial engineering furthers the interest of marine biology and usually then only when it ultimately negatively affects humans https://www.bls.gov/ooh/architecture-and-engineering/environmental-engineers.htm and an infinitesimal amount of marine biology furthers industrial engineering. https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/medicinesfromsea.html Environmentalists are not welcome except into places already designated by corporate authority. Places where they can’t make any real change. Places where they can only band-aid symptoms such as wildlife care centers. Or, even worse, places where employees they think they are caring for animals but are instead, stealing their existence and exploiting it. Such as zoos and labs. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79961-0

If humans truly value life, including their own, they are going to have to change their daily behaviors. Engines, ‘food’, basic needs exploitation, purposeless/destructive labor, begging wealthy authority, etc. Minds consumed with baubles, trinkets, and grievances against those suffering right along with them. They beg for wealthy masters then call themselves ‘free’ and fancy themselves virtuous. Quality of life for a few is not quality of life. I have basic needs met at the moment. I get fewer federal debt credits than judges, use fewer resources, yet scribble to actually help life when I am not doing things in my area. Others not having their needs met is unacceptable regardless of my personal situation and, as you should be able to see through my court proceedings, I will sacrifice everything I have in this land of gluttony, excess, and waste. How can you fully enjoy a bite of fresh bread knowing someone doesn’t have any bread at all, or the grueling things they have to do just to get it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJu-KC-Mpg0 ? You shouldn’t be able to. If you can, you may want to engage in severe introspection and consider why that is.

Dehumanization, therefore causing severe suffering, is easy with the us versus them mentality. “Their hats are different so fuck ‘em! We gave them lots of chances to wear ours instead!” Primitive fucking humans.